When most people hear the term “acupuncture” they think of needles being inserted into the skin. The term dry needling is often brought up for people suffering from pain as well and it also includes needles being inserted into the skin. But for the most part, that’s where the similarities end. Everything from their origins and benefits to how many needles and how long a session might take is different. Let’s take a deep dive into both. continue reading
- Acupuncture Works132A State Route 37
New Fairfield, CT 06812203.297.5399 -
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Thanks to Patricia my constant back pain is gone. I’ve been to chiropractic care and that usually alleviates the condition. This last bout was not responding to treatment. After 6 sessions with Patricia the back pain was mostly gone. There are days now that I feel no pain at all and feel completely at ease. That hasn’t happened in years. I plan to maintain sessions with Patricia as needed.
I highly recommend Patricia to anyone who suffers back pain.
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